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By Trevor Price
Big and tall clothes aren’t always the most stylish, while smaller clothes never seem to fit right. But, it is possible to be a big or tall man (or both)and still dress and look stylish. To find out how, keep reading.
Skip the Too-Big and Baggy Look
Fabric that flaps and sways in the wind is rarely attractive. Now, imagine six and-a-half feet of that fabric draping and hanging. To avoid looking like a tall drape or curtain, stay away from clothing that’s too baggy. Instead, stick with clothes that fit.
It’s very common, particularly for tall men, to simply buy the biggest size they can find, hoping that it will be long enough. Stay believing that and you’ll be wearing moo-moos for the rest of your life.
Don’t Wear it Too Tight
Unfortunately, too tight is just as bad, if not worse, as too baggy. On the tall man, clothing that is too snug will make his height and slim frame more pronounced. On the big and tall man, the very same type of clothing will accentuate all the features that he wants to downplay. Instead, choose clothes that fit.
Opt for Horizontal Lines or Plaids
On a tall man, vertical lines act as an elongation device, extending his torso and making him appear taller and larger than he already is. Tall men should look for shirts with small plaids and horizontal stripes, unless you’re a big and tall man. In that case, avoid horizontal stripes and instead stick to tiny patterns and dark colors.
Wear a High Rise Pant
Unless you’re buying your pants in a specialty height store, you should always be buying high-rise pants. Big and tall men often have problems with the crotch of their pants being too short or too small. Avoid all that uncomfortable bunching and twisting by buying pants with a higher rise that fits you through the crotch.
Double Check the Break of Your Pants
The break of your pants is where the bottom hits your shoe. Ideally, your pants should fall loosely and easily on to your shoe, without revealing your ankles or socks. You may find that when you sit down, your pants will rise up, but this is common for everyone.
Choose a Flat-Fronted Pant
Particularly if you’re big and tall, pleated trousers will only accentuate any extra weight around the midsection. Instead, opt for a flat front trouser as an essential element of your big and tall clothes closet. These are also a good fit for tall men in general as pleats can actually elongate the leg, making a man appear even taller.
Tall men or those who are larger are frequently self-conscious about their height and weight. For those who would like to de-emphasize those features as part of their overall appearance, it is important to be cautious concerning the types and fit of clothing they wear. Gentlemen who learn to do this well look great.
About the Author: For great information on clothing and styles for women and men, please visit clothingappareltips.com, a popular site offering overviews on apparel options, such as
Carhartt Jeans
big men’s clothes
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