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By Ellie Lewis
There seems to be an inordinate amount of bed bugs hitting the scene at present, and this is to such an extent that horror stories abound in the media and on the internet. These blood suckers must find a living host to feed on and, unfortunately, most times, that is us! Bed bug treatment is a little hit-and-miss since these creatures are often hard to find. Their size alone makes it almost impossible to find where they are hiding themselves so this may need and expert to come in and rid the home of them.
These tiny creatures have quite a time of it for sure. They hide down in cracks and crevices in the skirting boards, seams on mattresses and just about anywhere, including carpets and rugs, which can give them a hiding place. Of course, not all of us are imbued with super eyesight so they are easily missed.
What is not missed though is the carnage that they leave behind them when they come out to feed. Initial signs are bite marks on the body which are exceedingly itchy. Scratching these can set up an infection so it is important to stop the itch scratch cycle promptly. Spots of blood on the bedding can also indicate that something is feeding off us so it is important to check this out when anything is seen.
These creatures only come out to feed just before dawn and the one that they like is peace and quiet. Any movements and they just go back to their hiding places until the next dawn comes around. The thing which most people do not understand is that these little critters can survive for a full five months without eating so just when we think that they are no more, up they pop again!
Skilled exterminators will have several tactics to their armory. One is that they spray the rooms to rid the place of anything like this. This is often not the kind of blanket spray but the ones which dribble chemicals into all the cracks and crevices that they can find. Mattresses will also be treated, particularly along the seam lines, and they can also be put outside in the sun. The sun is a great killer of many kinds of bugs and people in hot countries do this regularly to keep mattresses free from insects of any description.
Rugs and carpets will also need industrial cleaning to not only suck up the creatures but the eggs as well. They often have chemicals in the vacuum bag to kill off any that want to crawl out and this is a good tip for any householder who has to deal with animal fleas and ticks too. Put a flea collar in the vacuum bag permanently and anything which is picked up will die before it can get out again.
Lastly, when people are traveling, this is where the creatures are picked up and brought back to the home. Try washing all clothes in hot water before they are put back in wardrobes and make sure that the bag itself is treated in the garage.
About the Author: Ellie Lewis is researching bed bugs. She is interested in bed bug treatment options that are available for commercial locations.
Source: isnare.com
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