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By John M. Patterson
Many people set out to purchase a new vehicle in order to have the piece of mind, knowing that they will most likely always have a running vehicle. Sure, some new cars will experience some mechanical problems but generally speaking, new cars are pretty dependable. Another nice thing about a new Audi is that it will come with a dependable manufacturer’s warranty. However, when this warranty expires, you will then be completely responsible for the parts and labor needed for your vehicle whenever it breaks down.
By purchasing an Audi extended warranty, you will get a few more years of peace, knowing that you still have coverage. The extended warranty does not go into effect until the warranty that you have from the manufacturer expires. Once the Audi extended warranty kicks in, you will have another 36,000 miles or 3 years to drive your car around, knowing that you are completely covered. All you would have to worry about is keeping up on the basics of car maintenance, such as changing the tires and keeping up with oil changes.
It is important to remember that the Audi extended warranty will not cover the repairs of your vehicle if it is found that you are the cause of the breakdown of the car. Say for example, you need your engine replaced but the licensed repair shops finds that the engine was bone dry. You failed to check the oil level and the engine locked up as a result of your actions. The Audi extended warranty will not cover those repairs. In fact, you might have to show proof that you were properly changing the oil every 3,000 or 3 months, whichever comes first just to be approved for any repairs on your Audi.
While it may sound as though there are a lot of things that you have to keep track of with the Audi extended warranty, it is really nothing different than what you were expected to do with the manufacturer’s warranty that you received. Keeping up on your responsibilities is not hard to do and it is much cheaper than paying for all parts and labor on your own. With the Audi extended warranty, you will be expected to pay a deductible each time there is a repair covered under the warranty. The amount of the deductible is usually around one hundred dollars.
Now, when it comes to actually purchasing the Audi extended warranty, you may be tempted to sign up for it through your local Audi dealership. While there is nothing wrong with that, you will find that you will spend more money that way. By shopping online and going straight to the source, you will save yourself a good amount of money. Why spend more than you have to? There are probably a few things that the money could be put towards instead of the bank account of your local car dealership. They have enough money. Save yours and purchase your Audi extended warranty online. You will be glad that you did.
About the Author:
Audi extended warranty
quotes are a speciality of John M.Patterson who has had years of experience helping people get the best
extended auto warranty
and finance deals in the market via his website at http://autowarranty-quotes.com/blog.
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