5 Reasons Why Business Ethics Is Important

By Joseph Pressley

In any workplace, it is very significant that a code of ethics must be followed. Policies must be imposed and every worker must be accountable for his or her decisions and actions. There are a lot of reasons why workplace ethics is important. So that you will understand further as an employee or even an employer working with different kinds of people, you can read through these 5 reasons why you should follow a code of ethics.

First of all it is used to protect every basic right of a person for work. When business ethics is not followed, even very young children will be forced to work, those with disability will not have an equal chance like those who are able to do work normally and even people from different race will not be able to work on other countries. When there is a code of conduct or morals followed, every right will be respected and given to every person.

Secondly, it is used to protect the assets or properties of your business. When you will not be able to practice it in your workplace, workers will do anything they like. You will notice that your products are lacking because workers stole from it. If for instance, you caught someone stealing from your cheetah stun guns, punishment must be given accordingly based on your rules at work. The code of ethics basically shapes the moral of every person.


The third reason why business etiquette is important is due to the fact that it will promote discipline and emotional security among workers. You will be confident working in a place where you know that you will be respected and due credits and punishments are given based on the actions and decisions that you made. It promotes discipline since you have to follow a set of rules and it dictates your methods of how you deal with work.

Moreover, it fosters teamwork and cooperation. The code of ethics in the workplace is made with a specific and common goal and vision of the employee and the employer. When there is mutual knowledge on what needs to be done in the working area, it will promote teamwork since you are all directed to one goal. It will also awaken the motivation and determination of every worker to do their best in achieving the same goal as their superiors.

Lastly, it increases your reputation and builds a strong working relationship with the public. This is true especially if your business settles on providing services to customers. When someone tries to inquire about your services and was able to get a good feedback, it will be a plus factor on your business. If for instance you offer discount stun guns with free delivery, you must be able to do it as promised in order to gain the trust of the general public.

These are the common reasons why workplace ethics is important. It fosters and respects the rights of workers, protects your properties, promotes discipline, teamwork and builds trust. These are basically all you need in order to progress as a business and as a worker as well.

About the Author: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of BestStunGun.com which provides the best selection of

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