Where To Recycle Aluminum Cans For Money

Are you wondering what to do with those heaps of aluminum cans in your garage? Don’t toss them into the trash bin just yet! You can take advantage of their monetary value and the opportunity to promote environmental sustainability by recycling them. Below are some useful insights on where to recycle aluminum cans for money.

Local Scrap Yards

Local scrap yards are among the most common places to cash in your aluminum cans. Most of these facilities offer cash based on the current market value of aluminum. This means the amount you receive can fluctuate depending on supply and demand factors influencing the price of this metal. Always contact your local scrap yard beforehand to confirm willingness to purchase your cans and the current pay rates.

Recycling Centers

Recycling centers are purpose-built facilities devoted to accepting various squanders that can be recycled, and aluminum cans are among their most commonly received items. Similar to scrap yards, recycling centers usually pay per pound. These centers often offer better prices than scrap yards because they deal strictly with recyclable materials, making their processes more efficient and economical. Always ensure to rinse and crush your cans before taking them in for recycling in these centers to increase their worth and reduce the volume of transport.

Bottle Deposit Centers

In a bottle bill or container deposit law jurisdiction, bottle deposit centers offer a predefined amount for each can you bring in, typically around 5-10 cents. States offering can deposit include California, Michigan, Hawaii, Iowa, New York, and Oregon, among others. If you live in such areas, this can be a reliable income stream from your aluminum cans.

Charity Centers

Some charity centers offer to buy aluminum cans to fundraise for their social and community projects. While you may not get the highest market value for your cans, the satisfaction of contributing to a worthy cause makes up for it.


A unique and profitable option is Consillion. Consillion is a progressive recycling platform that not only gives you a chance to recycle your aluminum cans but also offers a higher than average payout. Their user-friendly platform facilitates a smooth process, from waste collection through to providing your well-deserved payout.


Recycling aluminum cans for money is an excellent means to earn some extra cash while upholding environmental conservation. Whether it’s the local scrap yards, recycling centers, bottle deposit centers, charities, or the avant-garde Consillion platform, the opportunities are vast and rewarding. Always remember to crush and rinse your aluminum cans before taking them to these recycling platforms to increase their worth.